
.Laundry Day.

the saying "put myself through the ringer" comes to mind.

but what does that really even mean?

ringer: the mechanical part of the first electrical washers that squeezed the water out of the clothes.

no, that's not quite right.

I feel more like i've been put through the dryer. on high, "cotton towel" setting.

thoroughly heated and tossed around. bumping my head repeatedly. dizzy, not knowing what was up... what was down.

yeah, that's more like it.

But I'm better for it.

like the cotton shirt all fluffed and yummy smelling after its hot beating from the modern houshold appliance.

life has a way of shaking you up to remind you what matters.

i'm back. and I'll be blogging soon. I have lots of pictures.

I blame the lame metaphor on laundry day.


The Imels said...

Oh i am SO glad you are back i was wondering where you disappeared too! Hope all is well!

tifsong said...

welcome back.
i will admit, i've missed you.

The Carter Family said...

I just dreampt about you last night and was wondering where you were!!!! Glad to see you're back on the blogging scene again!!! Missed you!