

Ollie was Danny's Christmas present last year.

Isn't she just the cutest little thing? She made an appearance in my last post as part of my jogging entourage.

She drives me crazy.

She has so much energy, it's really not her fault. She just cannot contain herself. She jumps, she licks, she barks. She sheds coarse black hair everywhere. She is also rather large. And did I mention? She sheds.

Yesterday I kicked her. She was mauling me, begging for attention but I was holding both of my children and had no option but to kick her down lest she clawed one of my precious babies, scarring them for life. I called her a dumb dog and told her to go lie down. She didn't. She continued to jump and lick and nibble so I kicked her again, harder and screamed at her in a most unattractive manner.

I think people sound.... uneducated.... redneck... ugly when yelling at their dogs. Same goes for the 300lb sweats clad, frizzy haired, toothless mother who yells "you sit down before I smack you upside the head" at the dirty children spilling out of her shopping cart in the wal-mart check out line. But that's not just because she's yelling.

That's beside the point. I yelled at her (I was actually standing outside my modular home at this moment so that just makes this story that much better, right?) And she finally took the hint, cowered over to Danny's truck, and crawled under it to pout. She really is just a big ol' softy...

That was the last time I saw her.

Ollie got hit by a car last night. It was terribly sad. Danny teared up when he told me he finally found her ( we had been searching for about an hour) on the side of Horse Creek road. And when my man cries, I cry. Because what's more heartbreaking than that? I've felt horrible all day because I cannot get that little face out of my head, sulking beneath the truck. All she wanted was a love...

Makes me think... Who just needs a love today? Cookies brought to them? A phone call? A hug?

Who just needs to hear that I care? I need to do it today, no matter the inconvenience. Because... tomorrow might be to late.

Rest in peace Ollie....

And even though you chewed my favorite pair of white peaky toed heels...

You will be missed.

P.S. Aslan is very depressed. It is, well, depressing.

1 comment:

cassidy said...

friend that is so sad.. we had to get rid of Lou a couple months ago (and I feel guilty about it to this day) but Itty was depressed for about 2 weeks... luckily now she's just fine and doesn't even flinch if we say the name "lou" but it was AWFUL hearing her cry at bedtime for her baby brother. :( I'm so sorry.
And I would cry if Brady cried too, I've never seen it happen, but that would just push me over the edge.