
.The Results.

Hey kids!

The results are in... The Smiths are having a little........

sososo excited! A little girly girl. yay!


Kariann + JD Leavitt said...

YES im so excited for you guys! That will be so much fun to have a girl and a boy!! Congratulations!!!

The Imels said...

oh my GOODNESS! CONGRATS! lil girls oh so much fun!! =) that is so exciting!

The Carter Family said...

YAYYYY!!!!! How exciting!!!!! :) :) Now you'll get to buy little hair bows and headbands, and little skirts!!! haha :)

DAVIS said...

Oh yay!! A little girl!!! Congrats!!!!

Jelly said...

Marc! This is Angelica :) I keep up with your journal but I sure wish you had a myspace so I could more easily keep in touch! Anywho, congrats on the bun in the oven! I love you!!!! I loved your ginger bread house, the christmas decorations & everything.

Btw, the reason I don't comment more is because it takes me 17 times to get it through.

Stacee Izatt said...

Marcie, I had to find out on your blogger. Thanks for sharing with the family. We really are in the dark. Girls are so much fun!!
Love you, Stac

-Tiffany- said...

Ok Marc, you couldn't call to tell me the good news? Congrats! A girl will be so much fun. Miss you.

Fierce & Free said...

CONGRATS you two!!! that is so exciting!!! You are the cutest mommy!!!

Tere Shake said...

oh wow. i didnt even know you were not in stg anymore. but yes we have gone thru the stages. fast i would say! we are good. not married quite yet. just planning:) how are you and your boys.. and soon to be little girl. that is so exciting!