
.Colder Than a Tin Toilet Seat on the Shady Side of an Iceburg.



That was the temperature (with windchill) last night when I went to bed.

We had brought Campbell into our room before we fell asleep and put him in the baby cradle because
A. His room is the coldest room in the house
B. The wind was shaking our house so bad I thought we might pull a Dorothy and blow away to somewhere over the rainbow. Plus it was loud and making him restless.

I awoke at four o'clock this morning to find my house at the roasting temperature of 52 degrees. The furnace couldn't keep up.

It was cold.
I had to pee.

Campbell woke up to the flush of the toilet .

After taking in his surroundings he began to giggle. It was cute, but it was four in the morning, so I fixed him a bottle hoping he would fall back asleep.

no such luck.
He thought we were having a fun little sleepover.

Neither Danny nor I wanted to get up and rock him back to sleep(52 degrees, remember?), so I tried the -lay him on my tummy, pat his bum- trick for a minute but he was squashing his younger sibling so I made Danny take over.

After 45 minutes of jabbering and singing to us, Campbell began clawing at Daddy's beard. And by clawing I mean pinching and scratching with his razor sharp baby talons. He thought it was hilarious. Quite frankly so did I. It went something like this

Danny: "OUCH!"
Campbell: a mischievous "Giggle"
Danny: "OUCH!" and a firm "No"
Campbell: a delayed "giggle"

I couldn't contain my own laughter. Danny did not think it was so funny. After a while of this, Mine and Campbells giggles growing increasingly loud, Danny stood up abruptly, marched to Campbell's room, and put him in his crib.

party's over, folks.

He cried for about 2 minutes, realized the sleepover was over, and fell asleep.

The whole thing lasted until 6:30
CJ woke up at 7:45

we are not going to church.

1 comment:

cassidy said...

WHAT THE FUHHH?! I didn't even know a human being could survive in 17 below! (but I must say, I would probably sleep better at your icy house than mine, because I am so GD hot all the time! Me and Brady have compromised the house at 68 degrees (the dogs were on his side... traitors) and I have never sweated more in my life than I do in my nakedness and no covers bed in them middle of the night. ALSO, my enormous belly will not allow my comfort to last past 4:30, so me and campbell would make great buddies right now. (although, if I told Brady I was moving to Wyoming, he'd probably have me admitted...) oh well, only a few more DAYS hopefully... but more like weeks I'm sure... whaa....