
.Monopoly Marathon.

I have discovered three things this Thanksgiving weekend.

1. I am horrible at Monopoly.
2. My husband kicks butt at Monopoly
3. If we played Monopoly every day, our marriage would not last very long.

Thank goodness for Scrabble.


cassidy said...

You are almost half way done!! this is insane!! When do you find out what that little fetus is? Love and miss you!

The Imels said...

that is so funny me and corey are the same way! he beats me every time and man does it get heated! i HATE to lose!!
when do you find out what you are having?

cassidy said...

Yes, we definitely need to talk her into this... it will be tough, even I had a hard time transitioning. Her baby shower is this weekend, I wish you were coming =) I'll try to pursuade while she's here!