

Gus Gus giving CJ a big, nasty, wet smooch.

Good dog!

After that smooch CJ needed a bath.
He loves the water!


Kariann + JD Leavitt said...

AHHH how freaking cute is the dog with the baby! love it!

The Carter Family said...

He is SO adorable!!!!! :) What do you think you're having this time?!! I'm so excited for you!!!! :)

Kariann + JD Leavitt said...

Yeah im so glad you turned me onto him! Your bridals made me fall in love with his work! I seriously have over 800 wedding pictures 300 bridals and 300 engagements! So worth every penny i paid him! Did you steal any of them you saw?? Cause you can left click and save as if you want any... There is even more than whats on there! There is cute ones of you and renee and your hubby OH and the cutest one of you kissin your baby AH there is alot lets just put it that way! hahah anyways! I love you! thanks so much for coming and sharing the day with me it meant ALOT! :)

cassidy said...

I know, way close. We'll be so busy until she gets here, so hopefully I wont get too anxious. Are you 17 weeks right now?! Somewhere around there, I'm trying ot do the math =) You find out what you're having soon, right? I wish you lived closer so you could see my baby when she gets here.. but I can't wait to see your newest one, so you'll have to come when "it" is still a newborn and sleeps all the time, so the car ride will be alright!! And maybe we'll put CJ on a plane this time! haha

The Carter Family said...

Marcie!!!! Do you know what you're having yet?!!!

DAVIS said...

So when do you guys find out the sex of baby #2? I am sad we didn't get to see you at Toph's wedding :-( Danny is going to be an EMT? That is so exciting! Does he like it so far?

Dallas, Jessica, and Drake said...

Look how beautiful your son is! Love it! He looks so much like you!