

Campbell has recently acquired a new skill. His first form of communication, in fact. (aside from crying, of course) Campbell can shake his head "no". Cute, right? I'm sure the cuteness will wear off fast as he learns to use it more, but as of right now its the most adorable thing any baby has ever done. I'm sure of it ;).

Today we were in the Wal-Mart check out line and Campbell was shaking his head non-stop. He loves the attention he gets from everyone when he does it. A young Hispanic man was standing behind him, laughing. The man says

"well, what are you disagreeing with, little one?"

At the sound of his deep voice
CJ stopped mid head shake and stared. There's something about a manly voice that puts him into a trance. He was staring so intently at the man that I joked,

"Campbell, its impolite to stare!"

The man laughed and said

"It's okay, he's just thinking "I've never seen such a handsome Mexican before""

and right on cue Campbell started shaking his head no, no, no. Like he was saying "
uhhh yeah right, dude" I'm sure you had to be there to fully appreciate it, but the whole line was laughing hysterically.


DAVIS said...

Haha!! How cute is he!!?!!

Anonymous said...

Hey, I do know you. we did meet even tho it may not seem like it with the huge Smith family. How are things going for you guys? the baby is cute. and i heard you have another one on the way? i helped kelly get his house ready to move in last week. he told me a bit about how you guys are doing. you gonna be in wyoming for thanksgiving?