

My mom just sent me these pictures via E-mail...
He loves his pappa!

Campbell and Grandpa Campbell reading Dr. Seuss.

Grandma Shelley bought him this way cool piano, which he LOVES. His mamma's happy about that one :)
Natalie's wedding.


DAVIS said...

Marci! You are so freaking cute!! I love the pic of Cambell looking over his papa's shoulder! :-)

cassidy said...

Hi Lovey Dovey... Where are you guys staying when you come here? I just found out your mom lives far away, but you're always welcome at the Miller Residence =) Call me when you're here.. 256-0549

cassidy said...

Yeah call me for sure, I really want to see little campbell! Also, I know I'll see you at the wedding and me and Renee are trying to figure out to get together somehow maybe sunday, so maybe the 3 of us could do something quick like coffee or something (or whatever you drink...) We'll see.