

So, all of my hard work finally paid off...

And, despite you're doubts on his existence, I really did bring a son forth into the world the 8th of April, 2008 (sorry it took me so long to post pictures)

we're happy to report the labor was a cakewalk, and the little rug rat arrived intact with
10 fingers and 10 toes.

Without further ado, I bring you RIGGDON SCOTT SMITH!

aww, Isn't he just adorable?

Campbell even approves.

And we haven't stopped running since the second he was born. We've been SOOOOO busy! Trips to St. George and Salt Lake. Planting a garden. Changing about 80,000 diapers a day. Primerica business is BOOMING, I'm seriously a single mother at the moment. Danny is working so hard to win for our family, he works twelve hour shifts and goes out on appointments everynight. He's a S-T-U-D.

Our life is a little hectic at the moment but I'm enjoying the ride.

Life is good.


The Imels said...

oh i have been waiting so see pictures! he is so stkinkin cute!! LOVE LOVE the name too! CONGRATS!

The Little's said...

I love this little boy...I will take him from you at any time! Thanks for the update!!

Tere Shake said...

soo darling. great genes marcie :) he is a stud! Congrats to you both! Hope things start to slow down for you!

cassidy said...

Finally, I thought he'd be headed to kindergarten before we had pictures... =) You have cute boys, marce, and Danny is *one of* the cutest daddies EVER!!

DAVIS said...

Yay!!! Welcome back!!! Your kids are adorable!! I don't know how Danny does it. After an 8 hour shift I am done done and done! Let alone still be happy and do additional work when I get home! I am glad you guys are doing so well, and that your labor was a CAKEWALK! I hope I can say that down the road! :-)

The Carter Family said...

He is freaking ADORABLE!!!!!!!

Dallas, Jessica, and Drake said...

Oh my gosh!! He is so perfect! I love the name!! What a cute freaking family...!!

matt and alex said...

Hey Marcie. I saw that you had a blog on facebook. Looks like things are going great for you. Your boys are cuties.


Unknown said...

Cute pics Marcie, I love the one with his little foot. How SWEET! And, how come you get your pre baby bod back so fast?? You are amazing!