

Well ladies and gentlemen...

This may be a goodbye of sorts for a while. You may not see me for a few months.

like a semester.

You see, I did something a little crazy. I decided to sign up for a full semester of online schooling. My thought process was something like

"Well, I'll just get a whole semester done before the baby comes, then I can just take a few classes here and there"

Which is a good thought, right?

I think I may have forgotten for just a moment that I ALREADY HAVE ONE LITTLE MONSTER.

So, In other words ALL of the time that I have to myself, (ie when I'm not cleaning up poop, feeding a screaming one year old, or trying to maintain somewhat of a clean home) will be spent on the computer... not blogging... but studying.

psych. english. and algebra.

I do have one class at the college. Pilates. Yay for being forced to staying active in some way throughout my entire pregnancy.

I'm actually really excited about it. School's always been important to me.

Just don't expect much blogging on my part.



cassidy said...

You crazy beyotch! Good for your Marc! Are you just starting out with your associates or do you know what you ultimately want to go for?

The Imels said...

Oh that is exciting! i wanna do some school myself. you are a brave girl to do such thing! its awesome! I will miss your blog though! i love reading it and see all the cute pics of the lil man i wanna see your cute belly too! hope to hear from you somewhat soon!