
.Mr. and Mrs. Gingy Bread.

Meet Mr. And Mrs. Gingy Bread.
See their beautiful new home.
Notice the paved walkway...
and shingled roof.
Their decorator is fabulous.
They even have stained glass windows.
They're really quite an agreeable couple.
Stop in for tea sometime.


cassidy said...

Who are you? Where do you find the time to do all of these fabulous things?!

Unknown said...

Marcie your little gingy family is so cute! I especially love the sidewalk!

DAVIS said...

Lol! Marcie! You are Hillarious! I love the stained glass windows! I can honestly say, I have never seen that done before!

Kariann + JD Leavitt said...

MARCIE!!! You seriously crack me up!! haha i love your lil gingy family it makes me want to have one of my own... hahaha HAPPY HOLIDAYS!