

We just got back from camping up at Rob Roy resevoir. Had TONS of fun. I would love to tell you all about it but I really just never make time to make these blogs incredibly descriptive. They do say a picture is worth a thousand words so..... PICTURE TIME!

First off... I asked CJ if he was up for a camping trip. He was pretty excited.

Then, we went to Sam's to load up on supplies

Campbell had fun with some of his cousins....

and his dad.

Who needs a campfire? Roast marshmallows on the stove!!!

My boys love the great outdoors.

Cj went on his first fishing trip... sadly no fish were captured

But we had fun!

Okay so he didn't exactly like the life jacket...

but it was adoreable.

Found out Camby Pamby loves pickles

And camping really wears us out.

Obviously, we had a fantastic time. It did, however take me 4 washes to get the campfire smell out of my hair.

In other news... Campbell can officially crawl. He's a holy terror getting into everything and anything. It's so fun!


DAVIS said...

Look at your cute little family! I can't believe how big Campbell already is! Looks like your camping trip was a lot of fun!

The Imels said...

oh what a doll! he is just so darn cute! and crawling is awesome and exhausting! but we love it! i cant believe how big he is!

The Carter Family said...

Your Cam is ADORABLE!!! I can't believe how fast he's growing up!! It seems like you just had him!!! I hope everything is going well for you guys!!! =)

Kariann + JD Leavitt said...

MARCIE!!! Your family is beautiful and you seem happy! Im excited for you! :) Love you so much!

Dallas, Jessica, and Drake said...

Marcie!! I have not seen you for so long! how are you? Your boy is so freaking cute! i can't believe how big he is! You are so cute! i miss you!

cassidy said...

Hi Marc.. Yeah we're excited about the little girl! Girl names are a little harder for me to decide on, but Brady really wanted a little girl too, so that's fun. I'm glad that's what we're getting! Campbell is absolutely darling!! He looks like such a fun little guy, and looks EXACTLY like you =) So Wyoming? NIce... how's the country life, you little city-slicker! ;)

cassidy said...

Yeah, I think when you're pregnant you feel different about everything. Did you have a hard time picking names? I think we're settled now, but always taking suggestions =) I bet it's nice to be with Danny's family, but I bet your mom is dyin'! Are they still down here? St. George is nice... I would probably move in a heart beat, but especially now that I'm pregnant I love being around my fam. Chelsea just had a baby, so our girls will be really close and that's always fun. Al will probably be right behind me. And Brady's parents are the greatest in-laws in the world!! So, I guess I can't complain =) Do you guys visit often?

Kariann + JD Leavitt said...

ARE YOU SHITIN ME!! YAY im so happy your going to make it!! It means so much! And i bet your so excited to see Renee prego! shes so cute! :) YAY I LOVE YOU BABE!! See you soon!