I think...before I speak.
I know...without my family, I would be lost.
I want...to move someplace warm (st. george? please?)
I have...an incredible husband.
I wish ...for summer.
I hate...being cold
I miss...my mommy.
I fear...the current economic situation.
I feel...SICK. morning sickness. more like all day sickness.
I hear...Naa Naa Naa Naa. Campbells new babble.
I smell...nothing, my nose is stuffy.
I crave...dairy queen resses blizzard. Well, at least at the moment. These things change all the time lately.
I cry...more when i'm pregnant. I'm not all that emotional otherwise.
I wonder...if its a boy or a girl.
I regret...chances not taken.
I love...Campbells open mouth kisses.
I always...kiss my hubby goodnight.
I am not...the best driver in the world.
I believe...my family is forever.
I don't always...remember important dates. I forgot fathers day and my best friends birthday this year :(
I win...or I'm irritated. Even if its a stupid little board game. I'm a little competitive.
I lose...EVERYTHING. I'd lose my head if it wasn't attached.
I never...have had a cavity.
I listen...intently. Need to talk? I'm right here.
I am scared...of driving on icy roads.
I read...a lot. Jodi Piccoult is my favorite right now.
I am happy...when my little C.J. giggles.
Congrats on the good news! I'm so happy for you!!! Move to saint george so i can see your beautiful family!
Oh my gosh Marcie!!!!!!!!!! Congrats!!!! I'm So happy for you!!!! I have to admit, I definately didn't think you'd be one to have two so close!! But I'm so excited, and super jealous!!! =)
Oh my goodness congrats! That is so exciting! How far along are you? Tell Boone congrats too.
Congrats lovey, when are you due? we should meet up when you get to STG... and congrats on the temple girly girl!!
GET HERE SO I CAN SEE ALL MY PREGO FRIENDS TOGETHER!!!!! YAY! :) Love you babe!!!! Cant wait another week to see you and everyone!
You're pregnant again!! So exciting!! CONGRATS!!!
Do you still have your same number?
I bet you are SO excited!!! =) I'm so excited for you! And not to mention, super jealous, I have the worst baby fever, Andrew is making me wait until next june/july.. it's taking FOREVER!!!! haha
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