My little booger was so very sick last night. He's been battling this cold for a few days and he's had a little bit of a fever for the past week or so because he's cutting his first toof (so cute). But yesterday evening he woke up from a nap BURNING up. I took his temperature and it was 103.3. I, of course, had a little bit of a panic attack. We called the doc, and over Campbell's screams he told us to immediately put him in a cool bath. Let, me tell ya..... that was fun. I've never heard him scream so loud. We gave him some Motrin and Tylenol and within the hour the fever broke. After that he slept ALLLL night, something he doesn't usually do. And today he is perfect again! yay. Cambino is now pulling himself up on chairs and whatnot and walking along couches. He will be walking within two months, guaranteed. SCARY! He'll be a maniac.
My mommy and sister just left. They stayed the weekend with us to see our little family sealed for time and all eternity, which was INCREDIBLE! We loved having them here and hate to see them go :( I don't think we will get to see them until thanksgiving.
We're going to be in St. George for my good friend Karianne's wedding in October. I'm ridiculously excited, been a bit homesick lately. It will be a nice birthday present for me
The Denver Temple
CONGRATULATIONS!!!! I am glad you guys are sealed! That is so neat!!! Campbell is getting so big, getting his first tooth and on the verge of walking! That is insane! I guess that means its time for baby number two? :-) Are you guys going to be able to make it to Toph's wedding?
you guys went through that temple! that is so great to hear congratulations! i had know idea you guys were going to. Poor little Campbell! that is so hard having sick babies and not being able to do anything about it! glad he is better!
Sad he was sick but good to hear hes better!! Thats awesome you guys are sealed now! Im so excited for you to come marcie! Its really been sense your wedding that i last saw you!! Cant wait another 3 weeks ahh its killin me!! :) Love ya!
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