
.Grandma's Visit.

Ah, the first post. Where oh where do I begin? So much is happening in our lives right now and I dont have enough time to elaborate on all of our happenings soooo.... heres a little picture update of my mom and sister's trip out to the ranch.
Grandma Shelley had fun feeding our little Cambino his breakfast...

Almost as much fun as she had riding horses!

We even talked Karlee into getting up on ol' Casey

We took my history buff of a mom to the capitol...

And no, I dont think I'm supposed to be up there.

They Helped us get our food storage into buckets....
I struggled with the lids.

And while Karlee...

and the kids babysat...

Danny and I took a much needed break.

Grandma got her Campbell fix.

And they even experienced a few Cheyenne sunsets.

All in all I think they had a good time. We were sad when they had to leave. But now were up here in Idaho Falls visiting for a week and going to the temple...

I'll hopefully be able to update more when we get back to Cheyenne!


Jelly said...

i can't believe your little life, marc! i miss you! and next time i drive to denver, i will make a pit stop to your farm ranch whatev and say hi!

Jelly said...

how do i add you as my friend?!?! i need to do it! i made this blog for you, and to curb my myspace addiction. which was getting out of control.